Monday, May 4, 2009

Graded Blog Entries

Here is a numerical chart for items required. If you see a number in your grade comments, it's because you were missing that item.

1. Hobby
2. Hobby full-paragraph text
3. Hobby photos
4. Hobby links
5. Favorite Place
6. Favorite Place full-paragraph text
7. Favorite Place photos
8. Favorite Place links
9. Open Forum (can be movie, anything of effort)
10. Gadgets

Thursday, April 9, 2009

My 30-second video

Here is my 30-second music video.

Monday, April 6, 2009

My First Blog Entry

Three Required Blog Entries

1. Write about one of your favorite hobbies.
Describe your hobby in detail. Tell when you started. Why do you like it? Find some pictures or illustrations that represent your hobby. Give 3 – 5 hyperlinks to websites that deal with your hobby.

2. Favorite Place in the World
The can be a place you’ve visited (preferred), or a place you would like to visit
Describe the place, why you like it, what there is to do there
If you visited, tell about your trip – when did you go, who else went, what did you do?
Include some photos or graphics that represent your location
Include 3 – 5 hyperlinks

3. Open Forum
Third entry can be anything you want that is appropriate…
Tell a story
Write a poem
Write an opinion
Do a photo story
Upload a video if you have one

Other Requirements:
Follow everyone in class
Comment on other people's blog postings - at least 6, more is better
Include 3 to 5 gadgets. More is OK.
Use embellishment in your postings - Boldface, Spacing, Color, Different Fots.
Upload your 30-second movie

Make a blog entry or two or more during Spring Break.